Cargo taxi No. 1 in Poltava

  • Truck auto-select

    When placing an order, specify the type of cargo to be transported, and the system will automatically select a suitable car for you at the lowest price.

      700 UAH / hour
      20 UAH / km

    If you can't decide which car you need, just specify the cargo you want to transport when ordering, and the system will automatically select the best free car for you at the lowest price.

    Ordering a cargo taxi online is beneficial because the website regularly offers car offers at promotional prices.

    Tariff procedure


    • The first hour is paid in full.
    • After the first hour, the calculation is for 30 minutes.

    BY THE CITY (the city boundary is the sign «POLTAVA» in capital letters):

    • Up to 15 km in one direction — hourly payment, minimum 1.5 hours.
    • Up to 25 km in one direction — hourly payment, minimum 2 hours.
    • From 26 to 80 km — payment in both directions for each kilometer, 1 hour of downtime for free.
    • From 80 to 150 km — payment in both directions for each kilometer, 2 hours of idle time for free.
    • From 150 km — payment in both directions for each kilometer, 4 hours of idle time for free.


    • Zaturino, Tereshki — after railway crossing, cottages near the river.
    • Vakulentsi, Voronina, Gozhuly, Rybtsi — at the final bus stop.
    • Biofactory, Dalni Yakivtsi, Zintsi, Suprunivka, MBZ, Myltsi.

    Zebra Cargo Taxi — inexpensive cargo transportation in the city of Poltava and Poltava region

    Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine the absence of freight transport capable of transporting luggage over a considerable distance. Poltava is a relatively small but capacious city. Every day dozens and even hundreds of people move from apartment to apartment, to a new office or house, so they need a cargo taxi in Poltava. This service is also suitable for those who have purchased new furniture or household appliances that need to be delivered to their destination.

    It is obvious that after the completion of the renovation in houses, apartments and offices, there remains a lot of bulky construction debris: broken bricks, fragments of plaster, wallpaper, containers from construction mixtures, elements of old interior doors. Also, when a family or company moves, the question arises of what to do with packing materials and furniture that it was decided not to take to a new place. Removal of construction waste in the city of Poltava is a task that is difficult to solve independently. It is better to use the services of specialists to organize the object and clear the site of unnecessary things. The company «Zebra» will carry out the removal of construction waste in Poltava with such vehicles as ZIL dump truck and KAMAZ dump truck. Our team also has professional loaders who will easily load everything you need.

    Not so long ago, it was not so easy to find a cargo taxi, for example, «Gazelle Bortova», «Van with hydroboard» or «ZIL dump truck» in Poltava. Previously, it was necessary to call acquaintances or tear down advertisements on poles in search of the necessary car. The world of modern technologies has made it possible to call the appropriate machine as quickly as possible, and deliver it with the highest quality. Are you looking for a grain truck in Poltava? Or do you need an on-board gazelle with a pyramid in Poltava? Cargo taxi «Zebra» will deliver the car you need to the right address in the shortest possible time at the lowest prices!

    Efficiency and comfort on the most favorable terms

    Thanks to the large taxi fleet of the «Zebra» cargo taxi, drivers can cheaply deliver cargo to residents of any Poltava microdistrict. Professional operators will select for you the optimal capacity of the vehicle for cargo transportation in a matter of minutes, which will be carried out without loss or damage to the transported property. We have a huge selection of cars. Therefore, it is not difficult to provide you with a multi-tonnage dump truck in Poltava, a van with a hydroboard, a gazelle with a pyramid or a manipulator crane in Poltava!

    Fast and cheap

    Freight transportation in Poltava by the «Zebra» taxi service takes into account all the needs of the client, daily improving the level of service that corresponds to the declared cost of services. Road transportation for our company, most likely, is not a duty and a job, but an ordinary matter of pleasure for both our employees and customers.

    We save your money at every stage of interaction!

    Our website provides a list of phone numbers to order a cargo taxi from a convenient mobile operator. It is also possible to call a cargo taxi in Poltava using an online application. The pricing of orders depends on the degree of loading and the mileage of the transportation, so it can change in the direction of the client's interests. Freight transportation with «Zebra» is a guarantee of safety of luggage at all stages of transportation thanks to the high professionalism of dispatchers and drivers of our company, who have undergone thorough professional selection.